RISC-V マイコンボード M5Stack Stamp-C3U が余っていたので、 Embedded Rust Trainings for Espressif と Lチカ をサクッと試してみる
gh repo clone esp-rs/std-training
(out)Cloning into 'std-training'...
(out)remote: Enumerating objects: 4636, done.
(out)remote: Counting objects: 100% (893/893), done.
(out)remote: Compressing objects: 100% (124/124), done.
(out)remote: Total 4636 (delta 797), reused 769 (delta 769), pack-reused 3743 (from 2)
(out)Receiving objects: 100% (4636/4636), 1.10 MiB | 1.33 MiB/s, done.
(out)Resolving deltas: 100% (2864/2864), done.
cd std-training
devcontainer open .
Enter the hardware-check directory
cd intro/hardware-check
Config file
cp cfg.toml.example cfg.toml
// intro/hardware-check/cfg.toml
- wifi_ssid = "FBI Surveillance Van"
- wifi_psk = "hunter2"
+ wifi_ssid = "Your Wifi name"
+ wifi_psk = "Your Wifi password"
cargo build
Compiling compiler_builtins v0.1.140
Compiling core v0.0.0 (/home/esp/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2025-01-01-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core)
Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.93
Compiling toml-cfg v0.1.3
Compiling hardware-check v0.1.0 (/workspace/intro/hardware-check)
Finished `dev` profile [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 52s
web-flash --chip esp32c3 target/riscv32imc-esp-espidf/debug/hardware-check
Arduino / Built-in Examples / Blink を参考にする
Create new project
mkdir -p ../../examples
cargo generate esp-rs/esp-idf-template cargo --destination ../../examples
⚠️ Favorite `esp-rs/esp-idf-template` not found in config, using it as a git repository: https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-idf-template.git
🤷 Project Name: blink
🔧 Destination: examples/blink ...
🔧 project-name: blink ...
🔧 Generating template ...
✔ 🤷 Which MCU to target? · esp32c3
✔ 🤷 Configure advanced template options? · true
✔ 🤷 ESP-IDF version (master = UNSTABLE) · v5.3
✔ 🤷 Configure project to use Dev Containers (VS Code and GitHub Codespaces)? · false
✔ 🤷 Configure project to support Wokwi simulation with Wokwi VS Code extension? · true
✔ 🤷 Add CI files for GitHub Action? · false
🔧 Moving generated files into: `examples/blink`...
🔧 Initializing a fresh Git repository
✨ Done! New project created examples/blink
cd ../../examples/blink
cargo add anyhow@1.0.95 esp-idf-svc@0.50.1
Updating crates.io index
Adding anyhow v1.0.95 to dependencies
+ std
- backtrace
Adding esp-idf-svc v0.50.1 to dependencies
+ alloc
+ binstart
+ critical-section
+ embassy-sync
+ embassy-time-driver
+ futures-io
+ std
- alloc_handler
- embedded-storage
- experimental
- libstart
- native
- nightly
- panic_handler
- pio
- wake-from-isr
Updating crates.io index
Locking 168 packages to latest compatible versions
Adding esp-idf-svc v0.50.1 (available: v0.51.0)
cargo add rgb-led --path ../../common/lib/rgb-led
Adding rgb-led (local) to dependencies
Updating crates.io index
Locking 5 packages to latest compatible versions
Adding bytemuck v1.21.0
Downgrading esp-idf-hal v0.45.2 -> v0.45.0 (available: v0.45.2)
Downgrading log v0.4.25 -> v0.4.22 (available: v0.4.25)
Adding rgb v0.8.50
Adding rgb-led v0.1.0 (/workspace/common/lib/rgb-led)
// examples/blink/src/main.rs
+ use anyhow::{Result};
+ use esp_idf_svc::hal::prelude::Peripherals;
+ use rgb_led::{RGB8, WS2812RMT};
- fn main() {
+ fn main() -> Result<()> {
// It is necessary to call this function once. Otherwise some patches to the runtime
// implemented by esp-idf-sys might not link properly. See https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-idf-template/issues/71
+ let peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
- // Bind the log crate to the ESP Logging facilities
- esp_idf_svc::log::EspLogger::initialize_default();
+ // Onboard RGB LED pin
+ // Rust ESP Board gpio2, ESP32-C3-DevKitC-02 gpio8
+ let mut led = WS2812RMT::new(peripherals.pins.gpio2, peripherals.rmt.channel0)?;
- log::info!("Hello, world!");
+ // the loop runs over and over again forever
+ loop {
+ // set the LED to Red
+ led.set_pixel(RGB8::new(50, 0, 0))?;
+ // wait for a second
+ std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000));
+ // turn the LED off
+ led.set_pixel(RGB8::new(0, 0, 0))?;
+ // wait for a second
+ std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000));
+ }
cargo build
Downloaded document-features v0.2.10
Downloaded litrs v0.4.1
Downloaded embassy-time-driver v0.1.0
Compiling rgb-led v0.1.0 (/workspace/common/lib/rgb-led)
Compiling blink v0.1.0 (/workspace/examples/blink)
Finished `dev` profile [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 42.35s
web-flash --chip esp32c3 target/riscv32imc-esp-espidf/debug/blink